Open Data Science Core: Anaconda is a package manager, an environment manager, a Python distribution, and a collection of over 1,000+ open source packages. It is free and easy to install, and it offers free community support.
Anaconda is well documented and has excellent support. All I include here are a few tasks that I have had to repeat.
Activate and deactivate the environment
activate env_name
deactivate env_name
source activate env_name
source deactivate env_name
Run a notebook
jupyter notebook
Save the files of a notebook tree into an archive (assumes system with tar)
When in a notebook, go to a new cell
!tar chzf notebook.tgz --exclude notebook.tgz *
(change notebook to your choice)
Download that archive
From the Jupyter File menu, select Open
Click the archive you created, i.e. notebook.tgz
It will download to your location
Unarchive to use it
Run a command in a notebook
Prepend the command with !
Build identical environment
The operating systems of the host computers must be similar. This cannot be done to copy a Linux environment to Windows.
First a listing of the environment is needed.
conda list --explicit
If you get an error similar to Error: environment does not exist: ../anaconda/envs/name/envs/name
Then try
conda list -n root --explicit
To save the output to a file use a pipe appended to the end of the command, similar to
> spec-file.txt
Next, on your anaconda installation:
conda create --name myenv --file spec-file.txt